1. DCR 516 Test Method
DCR 516 can relieve sensitive skin, such as skin stinging, skin itching, skin redness, etc. In order to prove anti-irritant cosmetic ingredient DCR516‘s safety on skin, this test is carried out on human keratinocytes. There are two test methods: cytotoxicity detection and morphological detection.
2. DCR 516 Test Result
1. MTT Result
The sample DCR516 is administered 8 dosing concentrations. MTT result is shown in Table 1, and the change trend of cell viability is shown in Figure 1.
Table 1 MTT Result of DCR516 Sample
Figure 1 Cell Viability Curve
Therefore, the MTT result shows when DCR 516’s concentration is less than 6.25 mg/mL, the cell viability is high, and DCR 516’s effect on sensitive skin is more obvious.
Based on the MTT result, 5 concentrations with cell viability around 90% are selected for morphological test.
2. DCR 516 Morphological Test Result
When concentration of DCR516 sample is 6.25 mg/mL, the relative cell viability value is 91.23%. The cell state is not significantly different from that of the solvent control group. Therefore, according to MTT result and morphology, cosmetic raw material DCR 516 applied to sensitive skin shows no cytotoxicity within the concentration range of 6.25 mg/mL.
3. Conclusion for DCR 516’s Cytotoxicity Test
Based on keratinocytes, when concentration of cosmetic raw material DCR 516 that is benefit to sensitive skin is less than 6.25mg/mL, there is no cytotoxicity.
Related Reading
If you want to konw more about DCR516, please click the followings.
1.Eye Irritation Test of DCR516 – a Natural Cosmetic Ingredient for Sensitive Skin
2.Zebrafish Test of Natural Sensitive Skin Care Ingredient DCR516
3.Relieving Sensitive Skin Ingredient DCR 516’s Test Reports
4.Introduction of Instant Irritation Relieving Material DCR516
5.DCR516 Makes Salicylic Acid Gentle, No Irritation
6. DCR 516-A Natural Cosmetic Ingredient for Relieving Skin Allergy
Plamed aims to develop natural cosmetics raw materials. Plamed skin-relieveing ingredients are high content and low cost.
If you want the test reports of DCR 516, or buy skin-relieveing ingredients, please contact us in following way.

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